1953 Kusano Steel Recreation Company LTD.established in Maruyama-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya.
1968 Production for arc welding tips and nozzles begun for supply to Toyota Motor Corporation.
1982 Manufacturing electrode parts and insulating guide pins for resistance welding begun.
1983 Production lines transferred to the Ueda Plant,which is renamed KYOKUTOH CO.,LTD
1985 Auto tip dresser introduced and mass production begun.
1990 Kanto Sales Office opened in Omiya, Saitama Prefecture. Auto tip changer introduced and mass production begun.
1991 Production lines transferred to a new plant next to the head office. Tip dressers exported to Korea and the United States.
1992 Kyusyu Sales opened in Fukuoka City.
1998 KYOKUTOH KOREA CO., LTD. established.
1999 Certification of compliance with ISO9001, the international quality assurance standard,
granted to the KYOKUTOH Group.
2001 CHANGER & DRESSER CORPopened in Alabama ,USA.
Sayama Office opened.
2003 Moved into new headquarters in Nagoya, Aichi.
2004 KYOKUTOH CHINA CO., LTD. Established.
2005 KYOKUTOH CHINA CO.,LTD Increased its capital.
2006 Kanagawa Sales Office opened in Atsugi City.
2007 Hiroshima Sales Office opened in Hiroshima City.
CHANGER & DRESSER CORP was relocated to the new factory.
Sayama Sales Office and Kanagawa Sales Office were consolodated and relocated as "Kanto Office”
2008 KYOKUTOH EUROPE,s.r.o. established.
2009 Kyokuto finished second plant in China
2011 KYOKUTOH THAILAND CO.LTD opened in Bangkok Thailand.
KYOKUTOH EUROPE transferred to Munchen Germany.
KYOKUTOH KOREA Branch office opened.
Become an office relocation, Saitama, Kanto opened a new office.
2012 Hiroshima office is relocated.
C&D estabilished branch in Michigan
Korea branch moved to Gyeonggi-Do
2014 CHANGER & DRESSER CORP factory completed
KYOKUTOH EU established branch in Dortmund
2015 Korea branch office closed / Established KOREA KYOKUTOH
2016 KOREA KYOKUTOH moved to Ansan
2017 Kanto Sales Office moved to Kawagoe
Yeungnam office opened
Head factory completed
2018 Head Office completed, moved to present address
2019 KYOKUTOH WELD INDIA PVT. LTD. established.
2022 KOREA KYOKUTOH relocated

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